SHI - Sustainable Agriculture + Organic Farming for Poverty Alleviation

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Interns for Earth: Carolina

Carolina is one of three interns from EARTH University working with Sustainable Harvest International this fall. Carolina is conducting her research in Belize. If you missed it, check out our interview with Panama intern Maria Fernanda, and stay tuned for an introduction to our third and final intern soon!

Carolina Aguilar Salazar is from Costa Rica, and is currently assisting our program in Belize through an internship with EARTH University. - Photo by Ricardo Romero


Who are you?
I’m Carolina Aguilar Salazar and I’m from Costa Rica. I come from a small town called Jimenez, where people are united and really kind.

¿Quién soy?
Soy carolina Aguilar Salazar de Costa Rica, vengo de un pueblo pequeño llamado Jiménez, donde sus habitantesse caracterizan por ser unidos y amables.

What do you want from the future?
I hope to be able to combine the passion of doing what I love with finding a job that could allow me to improve as a person and help other people.

My vision has been modeled through what I have learned from my family and community. My mom has been my main driver. I want to help her and make her proud; she is what love means to me.

Carolina visits with Rosa Batz and her family in Belize.

¿Qué espero del futuro?
Espero  poder amarrar mí la labor con la pasión de hacer lo que me gusta y con ello lograr un trabajo que me permita ser mejor y ayudar a otras personas.

Parte de mi visón ha sido fortalecida por lo que he aprendido desde mi familia y mi comunidad, mi madre como principal motory línea de dirección es a quién espero ayudarla con lo que tenga a mi alcance, porque ella es mi valor de amor.

Why do you study at EARTH University?
I liked EARTH because when I arrived for the first time I knew that they had different methods; it was a different type of university. I loved the idea of having the best professors, labs, projects and opportunities. But I fell in love when I realized I was able to share and learn my student life with people from all around the world. l also love EARTH because they try to find a balance between the importance of natural resources and people.

¿Por qué estudie en EARTH?
Me gustó  EARTHporque cuando conocí la universidad supe que tenía métodos diferentes a las demás, que podría formarme en lugar donde tuviera  la oportunidad de tener las mejores herramientas, laboratorios, proyectos y profesores. Pero me identifiquecuando pude ver la riqueza cultural que podemos compartir con personas de tantos países y me vincule porqueencontré una visión que concordaba con la conciencia de los recursos y la importancia de las comunidades

Why did you apply for an internship with Sustainable Harvest International?
This organization offers me the opportunity to understand the cultural richness of other countries, and specifically that of small-scale farmers. I felt inspired when I realized Sustainable Harvest International is seeking to help some of the poorest communities in the region. I also became interested because of the importance the institution places on natural resources conservation. I firmly believe that people in marginal areas have the potential to transform the whole world. I hope this internship helps me to grow as a professional, and also allows me to learn from the wisdom of the families I will be working with.

Carolina chatted with families in Belize at the beginning of her internship.

¿Por qué elegí SHI y que espero?
SHI es una organización que me ofrece la experiencia de conocer la riqueza cultural de otro país, especialmente con las familias en las que trabajan, me inspiraré al saber que buscan el  bienestar  de comunidades  y con ello  la conservación de los recursos, porque  creo que las familias de comunidades pequeñas tienen el potencial para hacer grandes cambios

Espero de la pasantía aprender a formarme como profesional y poder unirlo con la sabiduría que conozca de estas familias.

What do you dream of?
I want to visit a lot of places, and I want to learn things from every single person I meet. I want to share stories and live experiences with people; to interact face-to-face with others. I want to create a positive impact through hard work. I hope I won’t ever give up on what I believe in; I want to keep fighting for my values.

¿Cuáles son mis sueños?
Quiero visitar muchos lugares donde pueda aprender algo de cada persona que conozca y compartir estas vivencias, historiasy experiencias, que solo se logran al estar uno de frente del otro. Espero que mi voluntad de trabajar cree un impacto positivo a las personas. Espero nunca rendirme por lo que creo Y espero seguir luchando por ello.

Circle back next month for an interview with Victor, our final EARTH intern! And in the meantime, have you met Maria Fernanda yet?