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At Sustainable Harvest International, we have ambitious environmental and humanitarian goals to meet the challenges of climate change. We cannot achieve these goals alone. Our success depends on our ability to work in harmony with a growing international network.

Our partners include businesses, community groups, universities, and NGOs. We’re very proud to partner with the organizations and friends listed below.

Our team is ready to work with your organization in a mutually beneficial partnership that supports our commitment to people + the planet. Let’s collaborate today! Email us or call us at 207-669-8254 to learn more.

At this time, SHI does not provide funding to other organizations.

Our Business PARTNERS

OUR Coordinating PARTNERS

Our Network Memberships


Our replicating partners

In our efforts to expand, we are looking for partners interested in replicating the fundamental aspects of our program. Would your organization like to join the Million Farm Transformation initiative? Email us today to learn more.

Let’s nourish communities + the Earth together.